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Employee Training Management – Setup / Personalization

Employee Training Main Menu Setup
Employee Training Company Info

The Training Management software allows for personalization of the Main Menu by adding the organization’s information and logo.

This logo is added into the reports throughout the software.

The Training Management software allows for the linking of a specific Training Item to a specific Facility.

Organizations then can manage training of multiple sites.

Employee Training Facility Info
Employee Training Employee List

The Training Management software has a listing of all possible trainees.

Each Trainee record contains an Information tab, a Training Matric tab and Files tab.

This is typically a list of all Employees and Temporary Employees.

All Training records and requirements are linked to a trainee.

The Training Management software has a listing of all possible Trainers and names of individuals that conduct the training.

Trainers can be internal names from the trainee list, or any 3rd Party organization that conducts training.

Each training record identifies the trainer that conducted the training.

Employee Training Trainer List
Employee Training Work Center Listing

The Training Management software creates training requirements using several options.

Three of the options is to connect a Training Item to a Work Center, Process and/or Products.

Managing the list of Work Centers, Products and Processes is simple and done so in the Setup area.

The Training Management software connects to either a SMTP email server or to an Outlook account.

Automated Emails can be set up to send out emails on a regular basis to user-defined recipients regarding expired and training that will expire in 30 and 60 days.

Employee Training Email Setup
Employee Training Reports Listing

The Training Management software is sold as open-source which allows for full access to create new reports.

New reports can be added to the reports sections through the reports menu, which allows users to view them.