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Measuring Device / Equipment / Tool Types

Defining Tool Types

Calibration Management Software Tool Types

Important Note regarding setting up Tool Types:

For internally calibrated devices, carefully categorizing tools into Tool Types allows the creation of a Default Calibration Strategy such as measurement strategy, calibration cycle time, specific methods, and tolerances.

Defining a Default Strategy not only provides for a consistent approach to a calibration, but also a consistent approach across all devices (tools) within that tool type.

Managing Tool Type List and Procedures

Create and Manage a Device (Tool) type list. Categorizing Device (Tools) can be helpful when making decisions to calibrate tools by category.

In the event organizations calibrate devices (tools) internally, the calibration procedure by Device type can be linked to the Device (tool) type.

Calibration Management Software Tool Types Listing

Setting Internally Calibrated Tool Strategy

Calibration Management Software Tool Type Detail

For internally calibrated devices, each tool type defines the default certification time, calibration frequency, measurement strategy, tolerances and specific methods or masters used.