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Purchase Order Management

This Purchase Order Management Module within SimpleManufacturing™ is a Fast, Easy, and Thorough way to take care of the day-to-day operations such as purchase orders, item receipt, inventory management, and material requirements planning.

The Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process streamlines the procurement of required raw materials and outside processing services by automating the processes of determining the material demand through its integration with order management, inventory, production planning, and work order modules.

No matter the complexities of a customer’s order, manufacturing, or general demands for operational supplies, the SimpleManufacturing™ Purchase Order Management module can handle the task. Its flexible nature permits purchase orders to be entered with very minimal information, yet has the features required for the more complex manufacturing environments that require outsourcing of external processes and services, raw materials or services in compliance with industry standards and specifications, and scheduled deliveries.

Having accurate, complete, and well-defined Purchase Orders makes for shorter manufacturing times, improved customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, more profitability for your company.

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Summary of Features

Quick, Easy, and Simple purchase order entry

All Common Line Item Details, such as:

Vendor, Internal, and Manufacturer Part Numbers,



Unit Prices

Additional item details available, such as:

Specification or Standards

Scheduled Delivery requirements

GL Account

Inspection Requirements at the time of receipt

Purchase Quantity and Receipt Quantity

Comments / Notes

Identify as Customer-Owned

Identify Work Order / Job Number

Identify Internal Party to Deliver (i.e., Cases where the Purchase is for an Expensed Item)

Purchase Order Authorization and Review Process

Purchase Order Change Tracking

An unlimited number of files can be linked to each Line Item or Entire Purchase Order. Typical files such as:




Quality Clause(s)

Automation Features Such As:

Generation of Purchase Orders based on MRP demand

Creation of Accounts Payables and Inventory Receipts during the Purchase Order Receipt process

Creation of Outside Processing Purchase Orders with Process Requirements at Manufacturing Process Steps

Creation of Receiving Inspection record

Single-click operations for:

Emailing To Suppliers

Copying Purchase Orders

Creating Blanket Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders – Selection

A simple and Flexible process enables users to find Purchase Orders.

Various options are available for searching for Purchase Orders: PO number, by Supplier, and by Part Number.

Use the single-click operation to view various purchase Order-related reports, view purchase orders, and copy purchase orders.

Purchase Order - Search, Find and Selection
Purchase Order - Details

Purchase Order Details

The Purchase Order tab provides the basic PO information, including Supplier Name and contact info, part numbers, specific requirements, Ship To info (including 3rd party Ship To if required), due date(s), ship methods, and payment methods.

Auto-generated MRP demand POs can be generated.

This module has one-click capabilities to access supplier information and create an email to send the PO to the supplier.

Line Item Details, File Link and Quality Clause(s)

The Line Item section of the Purchase Order tab allows for the entry of item information, with or without being in Item / Part Master.

This section provides information for each line item, including identification of Customer, manufacturer, Internal and Vendor’s Part Numbers, Ship Method, Taxable and Non-Taxable status, and Delivery Schedule.

Each Purchase Order can Link Files to a specific line item or Overall Quality Clause requirements.

Purchase Order - Line Item Details
Purchase Order - Work Order, Project and Comments Detail

Work Order, Project and Comments Detail

Work Order Number, Project Number / Name, and Comments can also be added per line item.

Item Receipt and GL Account Detail

Receipt Quantity and Unit of Measure (UOM) are added to the FIFO Inventory for Inventory Items. Receipt Qty and UOM are identified in the Item / Part Master Approved Manufacture / Vendor List (AML / AVL) record.

In addition, the Weight Per Unit Purchased and Total Weight of Purchased is displayed per line item if defined in the Item / Part Master.

For the Automated Accounting Purchase Order Receipt processing, the GL Acct Number is identified on each line item, which is defaulted from Item / Part Master Record or from the Supplier’s Default GL Account Number, as well as being selectable at the time Purchase Order Line Item is entered.

Purchase Order - Item Receipt and Account Detail
Purchase Order - Customer Furnished Material

Customer Furnished Material

Ability to Identify if material is Customer Furnished and the Customer Name.

Note: Customer Furnished Material (CFM) is managed through the SimpleManufacturing™ Inventory Module, provided the material is received through its Purchase Order process.

Specification and Standards Declaration

Add the Specification or Standard to the line item when the material or service ordered must meet or comply with, as well as any additional comments.

Purchase Order - Specification and Standard Declaration
Order Management - External and Internal Comments

Line Item – Internal and External Comments

Comments, both internal and external, can be added.

External Comments are displayed in the Purchase Order and in the automated email sent to the Supplier.

Purchase Order Example

Purchase Order Example

An example of the Order Acknowledgement in a printable view is shown.  The intent is to provide the Customer with an Acknowledgment of their order, showing the organization’s interpretation and understanding of the requirements within the Purchase Order.

This software supports Electronic signatures, as displayed in this example.

Purchase Order Email Example

A single click produces the email to the right, including the purchase order as a PDF attachment.

Purchase Order Email Example

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